AWHPC Fights BLM's "Barbaric" Sterilization Experiments on Wild Mares

In January 2016, the BLM released its "Mare Sterilization Research EA," detailing the agencies plans to conduct barbaric experiments on wild mares held at the Burns Corrals in Oregon. 

Since that time, AWHPC has mobilized against these experiments, securing veterinary opposition, submitting detailed comments to the BLM and complaints to the Oregon State University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and Office of Research Integrity, and producing a video exposing the barbaric nature of the procedures proposed for our federally-protected wild horses. 


  • February 2016: Nearly 21,000 citizens submit comments opposing the sterilization experiments in response to AWHPC alert.
  • August 15, 2016: AWHPC & The Cloud Foundation File First Amendment Lawsuit to secure right to public observation of the experiments.