Important: How Your Donor Advised Fund Can Help Wild Horses

Looking for ways to ensure that your charitable contributions go as far as they can for wild horses? Look no further than your Donor Advised Fund! 

(March 21, 2022) Hi! I’m Janet and I am so proud to support AWHC in its heroic efforts to protect our nation’s wild horses and burros. These animals face existential threats from the Bureau of Land Management, the very government agency charged with their management. The situation is dire, but AWHC works hard and tirelessly, every single day, to protect our wild horses and burros - through effective public policy and advocacy, through careful, courageous, hard-hitting investigations, through on-the-range programs, through direct action to save captured animals from slaughter, and so much more. But they need all of our financial help to keep going with their efforts. Without financial support, AWHC can’t continue its lifesaving work to save these gravely threatened iconic animals.

In this fight, every dollar counts, and I have some good news on that front. If you have a DAF (a Donor Advised Fund), you can be EXTRA-EFFECTIVE if you participate in the #HalfMyDAF initiative:


If you commit to spending down half of the funds that were in your Donor Advised Fund on March 1st of this year by September 30th, 2022, you can nominate your grants to be eligible for matching funds from their matching pool of over $2 million, making your grant to AWHC go even further!:

The good folks at HalfMyDAF started this charitable initiative because they were concerned that too many dollars were sitting unused in Donor Advised Funds, even as charitable needs are so great. To encourage those who have Donor Advised Funds to get their charitable dollars out into the community and working for good, they started #HalfMyDAF to encourage people with DAFs to donate the money that’s sitting in these accounts, because that’s what DAFs are for after all. This year, they will award matching grants on June 24 and September 30, 2022. All grants made by end-of-day June 24th will be eligible for our first round of matching grants, which will be selected at random. They will award $1 million in dollar-for-dollar matches up to $10,000 with two $50,000 matches, one on June 24th and the other on September 30.

I’ve been participating in the #HalfMyDAF initiative for three years now, and I am delighted and grateful to be able to help in this way, and to put even more charitable dollars to work to help the charities like AWHC that I care deeply about. The more donors who nominate a specific charity, the better its chances of being awarded matching funds through #HalfMyDAF, so it’s especially important, if you do have a DAF, to participate and to nominate AWHC for matching funds through #HalfMyDAF to help our imperiled wild horses and burros. 

Participating in #HalfMyDAF is rewarding and painless; you’ve already said goodbye to the funds that are in your Donor Advised Fund, so why not make sure that they’re going to work NOW to make this world a better place? Please, consider participating in this important initiative - you can do so much good for our wild horses and burros, who need all the help they can get!

If you are interested in participating in this program, I'd be happy to answer them, so please reach out to AWHC to be in contact. And of course, you can reach out to the good folks at #HalfMyDAF for more info. It's a great program.

>> Get started today! <<