Making the Call 

Calling your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators might be one of the best methods in creating change. 

Former Congressional Staffer, Emily Ellsworth puts it this way: 

“I believe phone calls have a significant impact because of their immediate call to action. It requires a formulating a response right away and in our district office, we began tallying calls immediately when we received a large number on a specific topic. I also liked hearing the voices of constituents because they  felt more personal than an email or letter.” 

Here are some pointers to get you started: 

1. Look up the telephone numbers for your Representative and Senators. You should try to call each official in their DC office and one to the local office. 


2. Always identify yourself as a constituent.

You can start the call by saying, “Hi, My name is [ name] and I’m a constituent of [ Member of Congress ].” 

3. Have a specific call-to-action.

Until there is a specific bill to weigh in on, simply say, “I’m calling to let Rep./Sen. [name} know that I oppose the mass roundup and slaughter of federally-protected wild horses and burros. I ask him/her to oppose any proposal that would lead to the killing or sale for slaughter of wild horses and burros and support all measures to promote humane and scientific management of wild herds with birth control instead of roundups and removals. Thank you.”

You can also add why this issue is important to you – as a local horse owner, horse lover, etc. End the conversation by asking that the opinion/request be recorded. 

4. Remain respectful.

We understand that these issues can get personal, but you must remain calm and collected in order to be heard! 

As always, if you need additional help please reach out to us at [email protected]. Learn more at