Roundup Documentation

Documentation drives accountability.

Wild horse and burros roundups occur out of the public eye in remote areas of the West. That's why we send representatives to observe and document the roundups. As the eyes and ears of the public, we work to hold the BLM accountable for its inhumane policies and to educate the public about the atrocities that are occurring on our public lands. 

The right to observe.

Even today, most Americans don’t know about the plight of wild horses and burros. Yet, it's our right as citizens to observe government activities. We observe, document and disseminate photos, video footage, and written accounts of the roundups to keep the public informed. On the ground, we assess the overall situation affecting wild horses and burros, including how commercial interests like livestock ranching, oil, and mining, are impacting wild herds and influencing federal policy regarding their management and treatment.

Roundup Report Library


