The BLM is planning to conduct the largest roundup of wild horses EVER in just a few days. 

On or around October 8 and continuing into February, BLM-contracted helicopters will take to the skies to round up 4,397 wild horses living in 5 Herd Management Areas (HMAs) — Little Colorado, White Mountain, Great Divide Basin, Salt Wells Creek, and Adobe Town — across 3.4 million acres of land in an area known as the Wyoming Checkerboard. 

Barring a compromise, the roundup will slash the wild horse population in these HMAs to just 1,550 — the lowest the BLM can legally go — leaving just 1 horse for every 2,217 acres. Visitors to Sweetwater County, Wyoming will be lucky to catch a glimpse of even one iconic American mustang running free when the BLM is finished with this massive action. 

Team: We’re fighting back. We’re launching a national campaign to protect the wild horses of the Wyoming Checkerboard starting with a joint petition with our friends at the Animal Welfare Institute targeted at the BLM regarding the removal of these horses.

If you’re with us in the fight to protect the horses of the Wyoming Checkerboard, will you sign our petition today?



This roundup will kill an estimated 50+ wild horses, steal the freedom of thousands more, and cost taxpayers upwards of $175 million — all to clear the public land of wild horses for the benefit of private ranchers.

The 3,555 wild horses who will be permanently removed will be shipped to two holding facilities: the BLM’s corrals in Rock Springs and a new, privately-operated 3,500-horse storage location in Wheatland, WY. 

These wild animals, who once roamed 10-20 miles a day, will be confined in feedlot pens that provide just 700 square feet of space per horse. They will be separated by sex and will never experience freedom or family again. 

Even more devastating, the roundup is a precursor to the pending BLM plan to eradicate horses entirely from most of the HMAs in this area. If successful, this action would result in the loss of 52% of the state’s wild horse habitat.

We’re fighting back to protect the wild horses of the Wyoming Checkerboard. If you’re with us, add your name to our petition now. >>


We’ll be in touch over the next couple of weeks with updates as we launch our campaign. In the meantime, please sign on to stand up for these cherished icons today!

Thanks for your help in Keeping Wyoming WYLD, 

— American Wild Horse Campaign